Therapeutic Silicone Cupping
(Spring/Summer 2025)
6 CE credits
NCBTMB course ID CE4020926
Tuition: $150

Cupping is a technique that has been used for millennia to treat maladies ranging from the common cold to musculoskeletal issues to maintaining overall health. Traditional tools used were found in nature and eventually replaced by cups made of glass and polycarbonate, and now silicone.
Silicone cups are becoming increasingly popular because of their ease of use - suction strength is easily adjusted and they more readily address contoured areas of the body. They feel like a natural extension of the practitioner’s hands because one can feel the changes made as the cup glides over congested tissue. Many claim the gliding action mimics the effects of deep tissue massage, so for those who regularly give deep tissue massages this class may be for you!
Silicone cupping is most effective at repairing and remodeling the fascia by removing congestion caused by disease or injury, but it also has an effect on internal organs because of the connective tissue network.
This class will explore silicone gliding cup methods and protocols for soft tissue dysfunction of the neck, shoulder, hips and scars.
Here's what you'll learn in this hands-on class:
*The history of cupping and an introduction to its applications from an Eastern Medicine perspective
*How silicone cupping relates to the superficial fascia
*The benefits of and common conditions treated using silicone cupping
*Contraindications, precautions and considerations, as well as the safe handling and proper disinfecting procedures
*Proper procedures to follow before, during and after the cupping session
*How to integrate silicone cupping into a bodywork session
*Stationary and gliding techniques to address soft tissue dysfunction of the neck, shoulders, hips and scars
Class size limited to 8 students
Ideal for those who thrive in a less-crowded classroom!
This is a relaxed environment where we may share a few laughs, but please know that teaching you about silicone cupping is taken very seriously and you’ll learn lots!
Choose from one of these dates
(all are from 10am-5pm)
Saturday, April 5
Friday, May 2
Monday, June 9
Friday, July 25
Saturday, August 9
Please bring:​
This classroom does not have extra massage tables so you are asked to bring a massage table (there is an elevator to get to the second floor), along with the following:
UNSCENTED Oil/lotion/cream/gel
TWO sets of silicone cups
Water for hydration throughout the day
Lunch (there are a few fast-casual restaurants, a Starbucks and a Jewel grocery store nearby)
Wear or bring clothing that will allow easy access to the back, neck, arms and legs. Please bring shorts for access to the IT band. If you wear a bra, please wear one that clasps in the back.
In deference to those who may have chemical sensitivities, I ask that you refrain from wearing fragrances or colognes.
Health and Safety
If you are symptomatic, please do not come to class. Symptomatic students (typical cold/flu-like symptoms or loss of taste/smell) may not be in class at any time.
The Peaceful Healing Place is a mask-optional environment.
100% attendance is mandatory for continuing education credit. Tardiness by more than 20 minutes of class start time will count as an absence.
Refunds/Transfer Credit
**Within 5 business days of registering - Cost of tuition minus 10% for processing fees ($135 total refund)
**6 days or more after registering, until day of class - Cost of tuition minus fee of 25% ($112.50 total refund)
**Same day of class, before class begins - Cost of tuition minus 25%+additional fee of $25 ($87.50 total refund)
**After class has started, less than 60% attended - Same fees as above plus pro-rated value of the portion of class attended
**After 60% of class has occurred, or with no-show - No Refund, but transfer credit can be held as per below
TRANSFER: If 0-30% of course has been attended - no fee to transfer
TRANSFER: When 30-60% of course has been attended - $50 fee to transfer
TRANSFER: After 60% of class has been attended - No transfer allowed, but student may repeat class at 1/2 price